Sunday, August 9, 2009

Life is good at the MTC


Dear Mom & Dad,

I'm in the RC (referral center) right now, we were supposed to leave a long time ago but my companion Elder Wright got this call from a guy in MY who needed lots of help. He has been on the phone almost 2 hours!!! Which is crazy. So, I've got time to write since I'm waiting.

Thank you so much for the letter you sent. It was funny though I couldn't imagine you saying the things you wrote, it was weird. I loved it though thanks! Thanks for the garments! The pictures were great too! Thank you for the blessings (setting apart and father's blessings transcribed from notes Mom took), I read them and love them. I like how stiff the lamination is. Thanks for sending my primary class's letters tell them thanks they meant a lot to me. Thanks for sending Kitty's address.

So, I'm doing well. I'm growing a lot when it comes to studying and using a study journal. So it turns out, my oil was in my bag! Ha Ha, lol. Sorry :) Thanks for telling me about where the glasses are. I'm silly. I sent that last letter right before I got the package. Ha Ha. I felt a little bad.

So on Wednesday (P-day Sam's prep day to get laundry, letter writing, etc done) I didn't get a chance to set up my email; I will try hard to do it next week. So much happens everyday I can't even remember to write it in my journal! Letters are going to be hard to include everthing in.

S I think on like Friday or Saturday-ish, I felt reqally prompted to pray for you mom, are you ok?

That's crazy to hear about Ditto praying. Ha Ha. I'm sad he misses me. I hope he knows what I am doing.

Kitty told me she went over to our house! That's cool! :)

OK, so my prosillighting bag from Mr Mac looks really bulky with all my stuff in it. Someone told me you are more likely to gwet mugged when you bag looks like its full of stuff. So, maybe we should do someting about that. Oppinions? Also my nipple thing for my cammel back could you find a new one for me possibly? One that you can turn off.

So I have had seriously bad mucus, greenish yellow. It started with a runnynose, but now its really really thick and never goes away. How can I get rid ofit? I've been taking my vitamines and decdongestant.

Any way I g2g now. I love you!I love you! I love you!
Elder Morris

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