Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dear Dad


Dear Dad,

So Elder Van De Merwe (a missionary in my district) was telling me about how his brother had IGA naphropathy (commonly known as IGAN - glomerulonephritis) which is a genetic immune disorder (very rare). There are only 2 people in Utah and around 13 people n the whole United States who have it. What happens is the kidneys attck themselves. His brother was diagnosed with strep originally. Just like you!

So I told him your story about your kidneys back in the '70's when you were diagnosed with strep, and how it attacked your kidneys. We wondered together if maybe you actually had IGA nephropathy and they mistook it for strep (like Elder Van De Merwe's brother,) because they didn't know about it back then and because its so rare. I thought you would like toknow. So maybe you could google it or shomething. It sounds to me very much like what you were healed from. It's do cool how people's lives interconnect. Its p;ossible that this is a blessing for you to kow as a result of my service. Its possible you got this imune disease IGA nephropathy as a result of the radiation you got in the Navy.

Were you a seventy? (yes Roger is) For some reason I think you were...

Anyway, you missunderstood me. My copanion was on the phone because we were at the R.C. The R.C. is the Referal Center. Its like the churches telemarketing center. We call people to send them Books of Mormon and stuff. Also they call in to order them and other church media. Its for non-members but sometimes members call. He talked to a guy who had lots of questions--they guy was from New York.

The other day I called someone and shared a scripture and bore my testimony. She cried and thenaked me twice! I hope she was helped by me. I hope she comes to the gospel.

Any way, I love you. Thanks for yourletters! I love them way much!

Elder Morris
Your Son :)

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