Friday, September 2, 2011

It’s Over

It’s over, there isn't any more.

This week was a great finish to a wonderful mission. I actually feel complete. Although I have been far from perfect, I feel at peace. I feel like the Lord has accepted my contribution and sacrifice. I feel like he is pleased with my growth. That being said, I have a long ways to go. I know that if I continue to put my trust in God and continue to make my spiritual needs a priority in my life I'll be just fine.

This week was great because elder Crabtree and I taught more lessons that any other week that we have been together and we had a baptism. Tessa Siniscalchi got baptized! Her dad did it and it went really well, very smooth. I'll show you the pictures when I get home.

Sunday was kind of stressful but very rewarding. I spoke in sacrament, taught the youth class with my companion, prepped for the baptism, and taught the message of the restoration with my comp while Tessa was drying off after her baptism. whoooff. I was antsy until all that was over with, but it felt really good. I was able to do a practice run of my homecoming talk and it felt really good. I think they might have gotten a better talk than all of you will end up with! Ha-ha. I'm sure you all want me to tell mission stories in my talk, but the thing that I told them was just doctrine and the spirit was there, and i felt the power. So if that's what ends up happening, I don't want to hear any complaining. Ha-ha.

well that's about it. I'll see many of you Wednesday, and the rest of you Sunday, and some of you in between. :)

THANK YOU! Thank you for your support! Thank you to all of you who helped fund my coming on a mission. Your funds were not wasted and you will be blessed for the lives you have changed. If nothing else, I am better, but I know that there have been others who the lord was able to help because I came out here to NY. It wasn't me, I'm just a tool ha-ha (both definitions of the word). But really i can't thank all of you enough for the sacred funds you donated to me for the Lord’s cause. Thank you, thank you. I just can't adequately word what I’m trying to say.

I love you! Peace out!

-Elder Samuel Austin Morris

Quick Week

This week was super quick but it feels like the last time I emailed was weeks ago! lol.

Well Newt was confirmed yesterday. She is continuing to progress. She is still crazy! But that makes it all interesting. Ha-ha. Elder Crabtree and I are super thankful we have been able to teach her, it’s really made our transfer. Stress and laughs. Ha-ha. Right now we are helping her to understand the book of Mormon and to develop the habit of reading and praying every day. She understands when she prays and chooses to focus.

Also this week was my birthday. We had service scheduled the morning of my birthday at 7 in the morning. So when I woke up the only thing I was concerned about was getting to the Mercado home to help them build their fence. Well, we helped them build their fence and then ate an awesome breakfast made by Mereena and all along I still had no thoughts of my birthday. Well It was time to go so that we could make it home on time to change so we could go to District meeting so I started to wash my dish. Mareena yelled at me and told me to stay out of her kitchen. So i went to get Crabtree to leave, and there he was holding duct tape. He said, "Louie (the 16 yr old) is going to teach me how to make a duct tape wallet." I was a little bugged and said, "we don't have time for that! We gotta go!" then Mareena said, "sit down and give the boy 5 min!" I just thought to myself, "whatever Its not my time he's wasting, he's the one teaching a workshop that he still hasn't prepared for... I’ve been to enough district meetings I’ll be ok." Ha-ha. So then while we are sitting there waiting for Louie to come out, in walks Bro Mercado and Mareena with an Ice Cream Cake with candles singing happy birthday! Ha-ha. I was confused at first and then I realized it was my birthday, so I was super surprised and super happy! Ha-ha. It was a great surprise. Then when we got home I opened up my package from Mom and Dad and on the card it said that they were going to send me an ice cream cake but were worried it would melt. Ha-ha. So I got one anyway! :) Lots of other great things happened too, but i just lost my train of thought because I got a call from elder Kiser. Ha--ha. He is back in Terryville btw.

Well we had drama with Jane. She told us to go away when we came over with a member the other day because she has given up on God. It made us all very sad. Especially because she said that she felt like we were her last hope, but she didn't even give it a fair try. We are going to contact her after we give her some time. :( Poor Jane, she is in a tough situation right now.

Today we woke up at 3am and drove all the way to the end of long island, Montauk! It was great fun, I took pictures, and I’ll show you one of us standing on a fence spelling out NYNYSM! After that we went to McDonalds and then got free Slurpee's at 711 cause its 7/11 and you get a free 7.11oz Slurpee for free today only! :) Now we are emailing. I'm not sure what the rest of the day has in store.

This week I go to the temple for my end of mission temple trip, i also get my departing interview the same day. I'll be packing and sending things home to make sure my bags don't weigh too much this week as well. :S crazy business!

Love you! Talk to you next week (for the last time as a missionary)


-Elder Samuel Austin Morris

Independence Day

Newt was baptized yesterday. Fitting I believe. Some of her friends and acquaintances believe she has given in to bondage, but we know she has broken free of bondage. Independence comes when we have agency. Our agency is limited by habits and addictions and the ways of the world. Doing what’s cool isn't always what’s right, and doing what’s right is usually not what’s cool. Newt amazes me with her determination. Her determination and desire are allowing her to develop her faith. Her faith is helping her to repent and to make covenants with God. As she keeps those covenants she will be blessed with spiritual power. She has made some really good decisions and I know that as she keeps her commitments her life will be blessed; its only up from here. There will be hard times in her life, just like anyone, but the companionship of the Holy Ghost (which she will get on Sunday) and the confidence and hope that she is worthy and in good standing with her Heavenly Father will help her be strong enough to bear her burdens and be an example to those around her. "Putteth off the natural man and become a saint" (paraphrased).

Anyway, the baptism was very smooth. Newt was nervous, which made me even more nervous than normal, but it was one of the easiest dunks ever. Ha-ha. When she came out she looked at me and said "That’s it?" with one of those frown smiles that says "hey how about that!? Ha-ha". "Then I said yeah, easy right?".

Newt seemed lighter and cleaner and clearer and happier afterwards. She still has a lot to learn, but baptism of course it just a step onto the long pathway of conversion that leads back to our Heavenly Father.

Most of this last week was spent preparing Newt for her baptism. The other elders pulled a mean prank on me though (by newts request) that made me look like a fool! Ha-ha. They called up after her baptismal interview and said that newt wasn't ready and that she mentioned me a lot and that she was kind of obsessed with me. I just accepted it, and said something like, "well we knew that already right!?" and Newt was listening. :( I heard her say "Hey!" in the background and the elders laughing. They told me they were still at her house.
I had them put Newt on and I said, "Hey Newt?"
She responded, "Yeah?"
"You are kind of obsessed with me." and she said sheepishly,
"I know...." It was funny. I then said I was sorry and she expressed her sadness with our "lack of faith in her" and then we agreed we were on even grounds again. Ha-ha. We do have faith in her. She has come really far, and she has helped our testimonies grow too.

I am so thankful for this experience in my life and that I was able to teach Newt with Elder Crabtree in this my final transfer. We will continue to help her come closer to her savior and Father in Heaven by teaching her and helping her make and keep commitments.

Hopefully we will be able to help a 9 year old girl named Tessa get baptized before I come home. I'll let you know how things go.

I don't remember if I told you about Jane or not, but she came to church. She was a little uncomfortable, but liked it. I was really frustrated because we introduced her to tons of people before sacrament started and even let people know days before that she would be coming and asked them to fellowship her. When we saw that she was sitting by herself I asked a member to "help her feel at home" and that member sat on the opposite side of the room. :( I guess I should have been more specific, "will you sit with Jane and answer her questions and fellowship her?"... Lesson learned. We will meet with her again on Friday, this time we should be going with the members that we have picked for her fellowshippers. I hope she gives church another shot, and stays for Relief Society, It just what she needs.

Well, I love you! Thanks for all the support and prayers you send my way. I'll see many of you soon (in two weeks as of tomorrow).

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH (on the 7th) AND KYLE (on the 5th)!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mind Numbing Oscillation

Well, sometimes when a lot is on my mind and then things go weird and then people do annoying things it all rubs me the wrong way and I just can't think clearly. So sorry if this email is short and unorganized or uninformative, I've just had a fuzzy mind the last few days. Everybody has their own view on everything we do and they all make a point at letting us know just exactly what they feel about it. It all contradicts... but that is the nature of life. We are agents unto our selves, this is the one thing that is truly ours. If we were not enticed by every means in every which way and direction there would be no need for choice and this would take away our agency. So although it can be a taxing and mind numbing cycle for me (and i'm sure some of you out there) I should be thankful for the opportunity to study it out in my mind and then ask my Heavenly Father if my decision is right. This is a good opportunity cause then I get closer to my Father in Heaven and my Savior (because he knows how it feels). I can leave my worry wart self behind and continue forward with faith and hope in Christ, His Atonement and His promises to us.

Well, Newt is overwhelmed with all the information she has to take in but she is keeping her commitments the best she can. Progress is fast and difficult. My goal is to help her to relax and exercise her faith in Heavenly Father and the faith she is developing in Jesus Christ. I want her to trust and Love them and the Church and not the missionaries or Mareena. If she really is dead set on raising her family LDS and if she really does want this in her life then she should be a sponge and just try to soak in everything she can and not let her old ways get in her way. Easier said than done probably, but I think a large part of understanding is listening with the correct attitude. She gave us all her cigarettes yesterday........ Not. Ha-ha. She said she was, but all she gave us was empty cartons and an empty bag! LOL. She probably thinks we are stupid. I might be trusting and maybe a little gullible but I have experience with being duped and I don't want to take any of that any more. Next time we will ask her what her intention are with meeting us and let her know that if she truly wants our help that she has to let us and that she can't play games and try to pull things over our eyes. Newt is really cool, I am grateful that I and Elder Crabtree get to be the missionaries who teach her, I hope we all grow from it. I hope we can all understand just how serious this all is.

Other than Newt the only real big news is that I got to go on exchanges with my companion from the MTC, Elder Wright. That was super nice. It was good to be his companion again! He rocks.

-Elder Samuel Austin Morris


Well The Book of Mormon the Broadway musical is doing the church a lot of good. I'm not being sarcastic, there is a lot of people who are interested in the church now because they saw the show and because the church and the missionaries aren't defensive at all. The Church officially made a decision not to fight back because that would be completely silly. The musicals purpose is not to prove us wrong or to make fun of us. The message of the musical is simply conveyed through the story of two missionaries (however not entirely accurately... especially considering there is a lot of cussing and the f-bomb is all over it). So if any of you have been frustrated about the existence of the play, change your attitude because it is simply raising the worlds awareness of the existence of the church and our missionaries and the Book of Mormon! In fact the Church has decided to use all the hype to its advantage. We have started a large campaign in Manhattan—heavy advertising in the subways and on taxis; advertising on billboards and even on electronic signs and billboards. :) Cool right! We have all been way stoked. The New York city North missionaries have been handing out the Book of Mormon to people as they walk out of the show. I think it’s really cool.

Well, a lot of good has come from all this including in my own reality. Newt (her nickname) is our newest investigator. She saw the Broadway show and loved the idea of our church and the emphasis that we put on families. She contacted the only member she new (who does not consider himself a member and hasn't come in quite some time) and got our info from him. She told us that her parents raised her without any religion. In fact she would be punished if she brought up anything about religion or brought anything into the house that was religious. She had seen pictures of Christ and heard his name all her life but didn't know until a week or so ago that the pictures of the bearded guy were Jesus. The first picture she saw of him since seeing the musical she asked if he was Joseph Smith.

So as you can see she has basically no foundation or concept of Christianity. She is really awesome and is working though some hard times right now and is finding the transition from the ways of the world and the Satan to meeting with us and learning about Christ to be kind of overwhelming. We are working hard to try to help her take it a piece at a time. She has a date set for baptism that is some way off in the future. But we know if she keeps her commitments and exercises her faith the desire to be baptized will increase in her and she will feel the converting power of the spirit. It’s been really helpful that Mareena (a member from the ward. She is a 20 year old girl just like newt) has been coming to teach with us. She is great and been a good help. Newt’s questions are deeper than her current understanding. Her desire and her dedication will make up for her lack of knowledge. Although she feels she has little to no faith I believe she has a lot of faith, to meet with us and go to church and trust us and listen to the message with no knowledge of Christ and only few experiences where she feels like she is developing a relationship with God.

This week we taught more lessons than last week which was nice. Ironically, even with more success it was a harder week. We never got a chance to do our weekly planning so we are going into this next week blind... that's a scary thought. We are gonna have to come up with some sort of a plan soon.

Crab Tree

So I have begun my last transfer and done so fruitfully because I am now a pops. I wasn't sure it was actually going to happen, but I am training and it’s gonna keep me kicking until I fly away. His name is Elder Crabtree. He is from Las Vegas (my third Vegas companion) and he likes to skate.

We have had good experiences together so far. We have experienced a little bit of everything! Which is great because I’d like for him to have the best understanding possible to start off his mission. I want him to know everything I know now, to be able to function off of knowledge I wish I had at the beginning. Of course we know that some things we just don't learn until we have had an experience that teaches it to us, but I’d like him to understand principals that he can fall on when those experiences happen. He is really cool and I think he will be a great missionary.

We taught 9 lessons in 5 days and got 3 new investigators and some solid potentials and new less active members we can start to visit. We also had the opportunity to use our priesthood. We got jewked a few times and we fearlessed too. We started 2x2x5ing (knocking two doors to the left and right of a house and the five houses across the street around a house of a potential investigator, investigator, or member [its way more effective than tracting {picking a random street and knocking the whole thing}]) right away and so I think Crabtree has a good idea about how to do door approaches now. He won’t be scared! NYNYCS missionaries fear no man! :)

Thanks for all your love and support and help.

The Church is true! Hoorah for Israel! The work rolls forward as a stone cut without hands and it will fill the whole world! Prepare ye therefore everyman and fear not the future. Take comfort in the blessings and promises of our savior by exercising your faith and hope by doing what he has asked us to do. We will be blessed with spiritual power as we keep and make covenants with the lord. I love the doctrine of Christ. Let’s all have faith, repent, be baptized, and endure to the end! I love you! ttfn

-Elder Samuel Austin Morris