Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No Creative Time

So, this last week was a long week. Here are the upsides to the week:

1. I got to talk to My sisters, mom, dad, and brothers (but not Taber or Chris). Also I got to say hi to the Chevriers! That made me very happy. I felt like I got cut short though. :( Oh well. :)

2. Zorina Zamir the 60year old Guyanese lady got baptized on Sunday! wooot! :) It turned out very well. I gave a talk on baptism and Lim on the Holy Ghost. There was a nice spirit. Unfortunately the water was too cold for Zorina... so that was a little bit of a struggle, but it all worked out fine. Jean baptized her! It was great! I think members should always do it. I think I was hard on Zorina in past emails. She is a very sweet spiritual and intellectual person. She is an actual soul, who has actually taken the first step to salvation! I love that! I wish everyone would follow that example of faith. The best Part is that I could tell that Zorina really understood that what she was doing was what God wanted and that she really was baptized by the proper authority. She was so brave because the water was cold and she is scared of the water because her brother died in a river. She is very excited for next week when she will get the Holy Ghost.

3. Christmas night sister Skalka read us this amazingly detailed and historically accurate version of the Christmas story. It was written by someone who cited Joseph smith translation, Jesus the Christ, and Holy Messiah (I think that’s what it’s called...). Anyway it really made it real. I have always known it was real, but... hearing it in a historical way with so many details and how it is just so.... planned, really brought it alive for me. So many little details have so much meaning; lots of symbolism. MY testimony of the Savior’s birth and the actual importance of his birth have really increased. I know that it is true.

Funny things:

1. Zorina likes to talk a lot. Here is the proof: her baptismal interview was 2 hours long. They are normally like 10.

2. Elder Lim didn't get a Christmas package so Elder hatch and I wrapped up a bunch of random things from the pad and also some of his own things and some candy and a hat for him. He laughed a lot, he really enjoyed/appreciated it. I'm glad I played Santa; I got just as much joy from that as I did from getting my own gifts. :)

3. A girl named Natel in our branch (a 16 year old Punjabi), talks about how I am such a "cutie pie" to Jean all the time. For Christmas she bought me a cashmere scarf! Then she told me she had more things that she wanted to give me, but hinted that I wouldn't get them unless I came to get them from her at her house. Now, I can't go to her house to teach her non member parents without leading her on. Wow. So pray, she looses interest. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

OK;that’s about it.I love you all! Thank you for everyone who sent me things like letters packages love and prayers. Trunkie time is over, its time to get back to business.

Love Elder Morris

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