Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hear ye Hear ye

Well, Sam says to you all "What a shame... What a shame it is" For he missed last weeks email. It is the first time he can recall missing an email report home his whole mission (please don't correct me if I'm wrong).

Ok... um. Well, we had Zone conference this week. a man named Steven B. Allen came to our mission. Maybe you have heard of him. He is over all the missions in the world. Well he had some good things to say. He told us we aren't baptizing because we have decided not to (based on our goals). So he has asked us to re-adjust our visions and make sure to set goals ("0's" are not goals). Also, he told us that if he was allowed to be a mission president again and he was allowed to choose a mission he would come to the NY-NYCS mission. He made sure to tell us that he has never said that before and that he does not say that to anyone. He told us he would come here over the Philippines or Peru (those missions are baptizing 200 a month). The reason why is because he has never seen so many prepared open people in all his travels. (Mind you this is based on two exchanges with missionaries; so two days working Queens). Anyway, he says we have no Idea what we are sitting on. We are on a gold mine and we don't even realize it. I will admit, I am seeing the people differently since he said that. It really is true; people here may seem hard and callus on the outside. But they are softer and more genuine than another people I have met. It’s true that they really are open about talking to random people on the street, especially about things like religion. I have felt like I have loved the people I have served but I really have felt an increase of love for them lately. I love them more than any of you at home... so I have decided not to come home. JK. Ha-ha! But really I have had a increase and I like it. New York grows on me a little more every day. I can honestly say the cliché thing every return missionary says "I love my mission. It’s the best mission in the world. I love the people there".

Well I learned a lot at zone conference. I actually went to 2 this week cause I am an office elder and we had to go help them and bring packages. Also we did a "car swap". We took all the cars in the mission and played hot potato. We took all the high mile cars and gave them to the missionaries who drive the least and all the low mile cars and new cars to the missionaries who drive the most. We did this to buy us some time before we have to sell cars (since we sell cars when they get to like 55,000 miles or something like that). Well, people have been texting us and requesting certain cars and stuff. Ha-ha. Well Elder Kosaka and Elder Thiot the English elders in Staten Island (I love those two) they kept asking for a Subaru. So I printed off the Subaru emblem and taped it on the Toyota symbol front and back. Ha-ha. They loved it and said that I am the "Best elder in the mission". Lol, we all know that’s not true, but it felt good that they liked my joke so much. :)

I enjoy the office. It’s hard sometimes with my companion because he doesn't communicate very well with me, but its getting better. We have a lot of inside jokes which is nice. My favorite part about being an office elder is how I get to see the whole mission and talk to all the elders.

I had a really nice interview with president and he told me some really good things that are helping me. :) Then he gave me a blessing to have joy; also to find joy in the work. It is working. That night I fearlessed a lady and it didn't even really go anywhere but it made me so incredibly happy. :D He also instructed me to stop looking at my weaknesses in the wrong context. He told me that God accepts the whole package and that he looks on the heart. He told me that the lord allows him to see his missionaries' hearts. He told me and had to convince me that I can not base my worthiness on my weaknesses when "the other parts of me are so great". It felt good to have President and my parents and other missionaries support me and tell me that i am good and they love me. Especially since I had such a rough week last week and had so many people tell me other things contrary and Satan really worked overtime to discourage me and make me feel a lot of guilt.

Well, we are going to invite everyone to be baptized and they are going to commit themselves to get baptized. Cool right?!? Remember that God loves everyone even people who murder, or live double lives or whatever. Also, we are all kind of hypocritical so we really can’t call others on their hypocrisies. you know what I mean? Also, don't make justifications. I'm gonna take this a little deeper, If you feel bad about something don't justify it by putting others down or by being a hater on whatever it is that bugs you. If you struggle with something hold on to the part of your testimony that is strong and focus on trying to find the positive and good in your situation or person or thing. You'll be happier, you'll help those around you be happier and you will have less stress... and you will get over your trial sooner (or at least with the right attitude you'll learn what you were supposed to learn better). None of us is perfect, but that’s what Christ's atonement is for.

Love Elder Morris

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