Monday, June 21, 2010


Ok, so one of the AP's (Assistants to the president) in my mission is named Elder Cascardi. He is from Brazil but is Italian in his blood. Anyway, his older brother was BJ's (Elder Warner) Current mission president’s (President Traveler) first AP. So, I thought that was pretty funny. So before he goes home BJ you should ask him about Elder Cascardi and tell him that his brother is the AP of my mission. Ha-ha.

Well, I feel really stupid and scared right now, because I think I broke the Lap top that the AP's use.... I tried to get into it without using the password so I could email at the same time my companion was emailing, because the AP's were not texting me the password because they were being meanies.... anyway... now when I turn on the computer it says that a certain file is either missing or corrupt and wont boot up. It says that I can repair it if I have a windows installation CD but Elder Saeyang told me that the mission isn't allowed to have things like that and that the church programmed the computers so they couldn't be tampered with... so... yeah. I didn't change anything so I don't know why it did that, all you can change on the system preferences thing when the computer is booting up is like the time and date and language and the passwords... :( I'm so dumb. I hope that all the people in the office don't hate me soon here when they find out. :S If they Kill me, please just put on my grave stone my last words "I didn't mean to" or "I was just trying to do the right thing Alvin".

Yesterday was the longest day I have ever had. My companion for some reason just doesn't talk to me... and when I talk he often doesn't listen. I think he thinks a lot. Unlike me, I just like to think out loud instead... or just do things as I am prompted. Anyway... It’s been really quiet. But yeah, basically we walked around trying to be missionaries from 3 until 8 not really talking. It was a long day.

Ok here is some news. So we have been teaching a Part Member family named the Hiltz. Well the two boys who aren't baptized are 14 and 12. The 14 year old is addicted to World of War Craft. They are way smart and cool. But the oldest one totally lied to us a couple times just to make us happy. They don't mean it. Anyway, we wanted them to get baptized this transfer but it turns out they don't want to be baptized yet and they are soon leaving to go on vacation to Norway for like a month... so... that won't work out anymore but we still plan on teaching them like 2 times a week until they leave and the mom says she is gonna make sure they are going to church in Norway. So pray that the mom's testimony is strengthened and that the kids can develop a desire to learn and be baptized. They really are bright; they understood the plan of salvation in like 10 min.

Ok, here is the really great news. So elder Saeyang and I have been looking up less actives. We looked up this man and he wasn't home so we left a note on the door. That night we got a call from a man named Visnu Singh. Apparently he is the older brother of this recent convert who according to our correlater wanted to go to BYU but couldn't because he was not coming to church.... anyway that’s the side note. This guy left back to Nepal but then a few years ago came back to the states. Vishnu has not spoken to him in that time and currently has no clue where his brother is, but was living in the same house his brother was living in a few years back. So when he called us he wanted us to meet with him and explain what "this is all about". Well, after a small struggle we were able to meet with him in the park! Guess what. He is golden; Really truly. He knows about Christ and his atonement and knows that it is true. He has about a million questions for us and all of them are the amazing questions you practice answering in the MTC. So anyway, we invited him to get baptized in our first lesson with him and he accepted. We just need to set a date now. After our lesson we invited to walk him home but he said no because he wanted to read the pamphlet and the book of Mormon we gave him. So he stayed in the park and read the Restoration pamphlet. Later he called and told us he wanted to come to church and that he had read the pamphlet. I asked if he liked it and he said "Why would I read it if I didn't like It! HA-HA-HA" and then he asked me "So, Elder, do I need to be baptized to receive a full remission of my sins?" "... Well, yes...." I said. "I need to be baptized then!" he informed me. "Well that's what we are here to help you to do." Well, he met us at the Queens mall and then we walked to church together. He really seemed to like church and I think I saw him get a little teary during some of the hymns. He was so excited to take the sacrament. Well, after sacrament he asked me a question that I didn't know the answer to because I had been wondering the same thing. He asked "This was the first time I have taken the sacrament. How come in all the other churches I can not be taking the bread and blood, but in your church I can be taking of the bread and blood? The other churches would ask if I had been baptized and then they told me that I could not until I had been baptized." I told him we would talk about it later, but my real intention was to ask the gospel principals teacher. Well, by no coincidence (because they don't exist), the lesson was on the sacrament. So Vishnu asked the question and we both got the answer. I have always thought it was weird/fishy we allow children under 8 and un-baptized people take the sacrament if they want it. The answer was that it means nothing to them, as far as renewal of covenants and cleansing from sin and re commitment to good in the following week; however it is a personal decision for the parents or the over 8 un-baptized person and its ok, because it doesn't mean anything, but it is a learning thing, like practice. It helps the person to understand more what it means and get excited for when they can take it with a real meaning for their salvation. I'm not really explaining myself very well, but I hope that makes since. So yeah, anyway, Vishnu had to leave before we could set a date for him to be baptized and set up an appointment to see him soon cause he was having trouble breathing. He sounded like he had a bronchitis weez and cough... I hope he is ok. But we will set a date with him this week and teach him the plan of salvation and the gospel of Jesus Christ. :) So that's pretty awesome. People from Nepal usually are not Christian. He is definitely prepared. Brother Tamang should send me his conversion story and family picture so I can give it to Vishnu; that would be super awesome!

Ok. um... my comp is waiting for me, we have been here an hour longer than we planned because I had to go after Saeyang instead of at the same time.... oh, btw, while I was typing this the Ap's came in and they were not mad at me, just sad because we might loose all the files. :( I’m an idiot. Elder Olsen (my brother who is an AP) is good with computers and thinks he might be able to save it, when he reloads windows xp by dividing the hard drive in half. Wow, all this work because of me. Let this be a lesson to all. Do not try to beat the system, because the system will then beat you.
Love, Elder Morris

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