Monday, July 12, 2010

22 births, 18 deaths, 3 birthdays‏

Well, this was a super long week. not really in a negative way, just super long. Monday I had a really awesome exchange with Elder Jacob Swain from Orem. We taught really well together and had a fun time. It was nice to have a "regular missionary" experience.

Well, the Hiltz boys told us that they wanted to get baptized! :) but then the next day Sister Hiltz called and told us that they changed their minds. So that was a bit of a roller coaster. WE tried to contact Vishnu but with no success, plus we were busy planning the new missionary arrivals (22 new missionaries coming in!!!!) and departures (18 going home). So we didn't get much chance to try to catch him at home. :( We also helped move a sister in the ward this week (it took all day! we loaded and unloaded 3 truck loads and 2 van loads). she moved from a second floor apartment with no elevator to a second floor apartment with no elevator and a super super small stair case. So we ended up lifting stuff to her balcony and hoisting it into her apartment that way. LOL. the neighbors thought we were crazy. It was fun to exercise my Knot skills though, I haven't used my Knot skills in a while. It turns out in this situation a figure 8 knot was the best. So the credit goes to Rachel for taking me rock climbing when I was younger. :)

On Friday we had our first District meeting of the transfer... and our last. HA. We were never able to have one until now since Saeyang and I always had something to do, but we were finally able to have one. It was really good and Elder swain our District leader said some really cool things. Unfortunately It was rushed because half way through Elder Adolphson recruited us all to go to Ocean side to pick up the cars from the body shop. They took us all to get Nathan's Hot dogs which was really cool cause its the first Nathan's I've had and it was so close to the 4th of July. apparently (i was just told) Joey Chestnut won again! but only with like 50 something Hot dogs. Man, I'm so close and I didn't get to see it. Kobyoshi didn't compete! But he did get arrested cause they thought he was going to go attack Joey after he won the title.

Saturday we had a district finding activity that went really well after we ate at the Georgia Diner (which wasn't as good as its cracked up to be, we think its owned by the mob.). It turned out really well, we were all talking the whole time and Saeyang and I together found 3 potentials. I talked to this one guy, that I should have given a BOM, but I just gave him a pass along card for one. But he was way cool, and way friendly, but he didn't believe it was necessary to have a prophet and that there was very little difference to our beliefs. He believed all we need is scripture and prayer. So after he told me that God gives us what scriptures are meant for us I said "well maybe this book is for you then..." and he said, "yeah, OK." He was in a hurry and so I didn't get his info unfortunately. Elder Mitchell and I met a member from Norway though, that was pretty cool and guy is a bouncer and a comedian and a tennis teacher, born here but baptized in Norway! ha-ha. It was cool cause I talked to someone from every Continent during our street sweep.

This week I had Vietnamese food, Thai food, American food, Italian food, Chinese food, french food, and on Sunday we were fed by an Indonesian family and a Filipino family! :) so that was way cool. There is always something new here in queens. You never get board with culture or food when there is literally every culture around you. That's the best part about queens - the diversity.

oh, well, I have to go because we have to take an elder to the airport who is going home and then we have to pick up the 22 new missionaries coming in. Its gonna be CRAZY! But before I go, guess whats cool!? Nope, you guessed wrong. Whats cool is I met Mr. Simmons and his newly wed wife! Yeah! Mr./Bro. Simmons. He Student taught in the drama department at lone peak when I was a Junior! LOL. funny right! small world right! well, it was when I was on exchanges with Swain. He and his wife saw us in the food court of the Queens mall when we were taking a drink/bathroom stop. So he fed us. Ha-ha. He told me he served his mission in japan and so I said, "Oh, do you remember Bj Warner?", "BJ WARNER! OH MY GOSH! YEA... no, I have no idea.". It was hilarious. ha-ha. He is a super funny guy. he and his wife looked good together. But after talking he said yeah that he remembered me and then he talked bad about Mr. Smith. ha-ha. well. then he left. But he still has amazing style. I loved his hair. It was his Rockabilly type hair.

Well, to end here. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE! (5TH), HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH (7TH), HAPPY BIRTHDAY USA (4TH). I'm sad I didn't see any fireworks, i heard some though.

LONG LIVE THE KING! jk... but seriously (the lord is our king. :) )
-Elder Samuel Austin Morris

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