Monday, July 26, 2010

Hajji Morris

If Riverhead is some sort of Mecca, I deserve a title. I've been to Riverhead 4 times already this transfer!

Out of all my journeyings to Riverhead this last was by far the worst. We were taking a brand new car out to the Riverhead elders because the car they had was way over the amount of miles the mission usually likes to put on a car before they sell it. Well the new car we took out was a 2010 Toyota Carola. Well, Saturday (the day we took the car out) was 102* so when we got in the car it was quite the oven. Well, we turned on the AC and started heading east on the 495. The car's ac was putting out hot air... we thought we could wait it out and it would soon start blowing cold air. It never did. Before we knew it we were stuck in traffic and consequently past the point of no return, for we were on a schedule. Well, we couldn't take it any longer and rolled down the windows. 102 degrees never felt so cool. It was such a relief! That's when I knew it would be a long ride. Well we rolled down all the windows and turned off the broken AC (which should be under warranty and the Riverhead elders will just have to take it in to a dealer). We had to stop in plainveiw at 7 Eleven so that we could get something to hydrate us. I used my water bottle as an ice pack when I wasn't drinking from it.

Yesterday (Sunday), I felt strongly prompted to surprise visit Vishnu. I had hopes that this inspired visit would be the needed contact that resparked his flame of interest in seeking truth... well... no one answered. I left a note. I know there was a reason I was prompted, I just hope it wasn't my fault for missing him, for you see, I waited about 20 min before I responded to the prompting. :( Maybe the note will still have some sort of affect on him.

Also, on Saturday we did a zone "FREE CAR WASH" as a finding activity. It was successful and fun! I was out on the street with some others waving a sign and yelling at cars! I loved it! I did the moon walk to try and get attention. Ha-ha. Also I used my theatrical preacher falsetto type voice to say Free car wash. That was cool. :) we had to leave early to go do our long Riverhead drive with no AC. But yeah, the car wash was good cause a lot of people were able to see where the church is and that we are nice people who do things like wash your car for free just because! :)

Thursday was the day we took two of the Greenie elders to the airport. I hope I didn't scare you with that statement. Don't worry, its good news in a way. The two elders, North and Smith were only here for 2 weeks because they were visa waiters. They got their calls to Brazil but didn't get approved visas so they came here. It all makes since in hind sight because when they were in the mission home that first night they didn't seem very happy. But when we were taking them to the airport to go to Brazil they were very happy and pleasant and fun to talk to. Ha-ha. I'm happy for them and wish them an amazing mission. We ended up driving 237 miles total on Thursday! :S

Wednesday was a crazy AC run day. We got 5 ACs with Elder Baum at Sears and then ran them out (me and McFarlane) to the Dyker Chinese elders, Elder Long a cool greenie being one of them, followed by Far Rockaway where I was happy to see my beloved Elder Black once more. Well because we had a busy day we didn't get out to proselyte until 8:30. But that didn't stop us from getting 2 lessons! woot! It made us quite happy and gave us hope. We wanted to do that every night, but the other nights we weren't quite as successful. We are both working really hard on becoming more Fearless and being better Fearlessers. We are having our district pray for our pool, cause its like a drop of water right now.

Tuesday was my Temple Trip. It was wonderful! On the way there a Mariachi band got on the subway and played! It was awesome! There was an upright bass and everything. Very round sound, it filled the whole train and no one seemed to be annoyed. I would like to be able to do train shouts where I entertain the whole train car and no one is annoyed. Cause if I could do that then I could get the name of the church out in a positive way on a grander scale. Anyway. The whole trip was awesome I spent most of the time with Elder Wright. I felt as though I was back in Provo, because I was in the quiet spirit filled temple with my MTC comp. I had to punch my self though. I brought with me my patriarchal blessing and my 4 generation pedigree chart so that I could ponder my life and family while in the Celestial room. I was pretty much sure that I would receive amazing personal revelations by doing this. Well, I left them in the locker and didn't figure it out until I was in the chapel and there was only 4 min until it started. :( Well, It was still nice. I hope to remember next year. Manhattan Temple is possibly one of the coolest places on earth. Yup.

Last week after I email everyone I went to a zone activity. We did human foose ball and had chili dogs and yahoos. I'm gonna say that was the most successful zone activity I've been to. It was really fun and I really enjoyed it. I was even able to be comfortable enough to act like myself. :) that was a great thing!

That's about it. I testify to you that Jesus Christ truly is our savior. Only through him and by his grace can we be saved. Something cool I heard this week was in response to the scripture "we are saved after all we can do", the response was in a John Bytheway talk and he said, "Maybe the 'we' is us and Christ!" Cool right. Because all we can do, or all the works that are necessary for our salvation are only possible through and by Christ. I love it. Our Heavenly Father loves us no matter what. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only church established and approved by the Lord. We have a living prophet. None of us is perfect, but that is why we have the church. It is a hospital for the imperfect. I am imperfect, but I know the Lord can accomplish His purpose even by using me as His tool. I may be a little rusty and dull but I can be used to do much good. I look forward to a life time of polishing and sharpening to be a better advocate of the father. This applies to us all. Just do the plain simple (not always easy... but plain simple) things the Lord requires of us to do so.
-Elder Samuel Austin Morris

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