Monday, April 26, 2010

It was the worst of times; it was the best of times.‏

Well, basically the only thing that could have made this week harder would have been if Mom, Dad, or Ditto died.
I read in the white hand book that I am not supposed to share negative things about the people, or the place I am at or about the mission or its president. However... these things are just bad things, and for some reason things like this always like to happen ALL AT ONCE! But don't fret, I will survive.
1. The week started with a nightmare on Monday, that came true Tuesday. Kitty "wrote me off".
2. That night our progressing investigator family told us never to come back (in a nice way, but "watch for the danger behind the smiling eyes")
3. Thursday while I was on exchanges (which i have never been a fan of) Elder Khang and Elder Evens were in our Mazda when It died. It turns out there is a compression problem. We will be without a car for at least a week if not more, and the people in the town we live in are all Jews (so there goes tracting).
4. The week we have to walk, God sent us rain. HA-HA. It’s like the movies "How could it get any worse!?" and then it starts to pour! LOL
5. I feel like Khang is annoyed and frustrated with me.

Well, probably the hardest week of my mission, if not my life. I have experienced about 1000 different emotions most of which I couldn't explain because there are no words. But fret not family and friends, "all is well, happy day".

Let me tell you all the good things now.
1. I have had new strength and drive this week, with an extra dose of the spirit. President told me Tuesday before I received the Dear John that the guilt I was feeling in my life right now was not valid but was directly from Satan. President told me not to be discouraged.
2. Wednesday night we had a very spiritually uplifting and very exciting appointment with Darnell and his non member wife Nikita. We visited them when we are on spilts and this time we took a different member! Success! He related with them far, far better than our correlator. I know that it happened the way it was supposed to, just like everything this week has. I really feel Darnell will come back to church soon, he told us he wants to. I love him. His wife seems to be waiting for his lead. We will see them this Wednesday.
3. I actually enjoyed the exchanges! Ha-ha. I was with Elder Doxy, he went to Cottonwood High. I was able to be 100% myself with him and it was a wonderful distraction from how I was feeling. To make it even better I saw my investigator from Bushwick in Garden City! Let me tell you, this was no coincidence. I saw Dawn and her daughter walking out of a building with a blond lady; her two boys were not with her. She was smiling. This was the women living in protected housing who's husband died just as she was about to be successful in lifting a restraining order. I had Elder Doxy turn around so we could go meet her, but she was no where to be found, because it took us so long to get back because two trains and a bunch of "no left turn" signs got in the way. I think, God just wanted me to see she was alive and smiling, but not to interfere with her current path. I'll talk to Elder Lim, since he is in my old area of Bushwick now!
The exchanges ended with CDM (combined district meeting) where the new area seventy was present. He blessed us with his apostolic blessing that we would find Joy and that we would be able to have the spirit with us to swallow up our fear and discouragement. He blessed us that we would know what to say to the people in our areas to get them to serve. It is working. I can feel the spirit with me, and I know it’s the only reason I haven’t laid down in the middle of the street this week.
4. I know Khang likes me, I just get paranoid. I will discuss with him in companion inventory.
5. The members all are taking us around now and its working great. Infact I almost wish we don't get our car back for a long time so we can develop relationships with the members and get less actives to take us to church! :)

My time is up. I love you all. Guess what’s cool!? We got 20 lessons this week! Ha-ha! I hope you are all well. I know the church is true. I know we are not given trials we cannot bare. At first I thought these trials were punishment, but now I am starting to feel that they are just catalysts to my growth.

Love, Elder Morris

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