Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Koreans, Russians, and Raccoons‏

So, my new companion is Elder Lim. He was born in Korea and grew up in Logan UT! :) I can already tell that He is my favorite companion! Ha ha. I can't really quite be 100% myself yet, but that’s ‘cause we are still trying to sink up right now! Any way, he is way great! We got along great really quick... but it didn't seem like that was going to be the case at first. In transfer meeting he didn't stand when he was called. He seemed very sad, and disappointed, and like he didn't want to leave his old pad, district, and companion. He didn't talk much at first, but that was gone once we got home. Elder Williams (from Alpine) gave us a ride to the pad after transfer meeting. The Pad has a way different energy now. But I like it. With only half a week, we got as many lessons as I did with Gourdin in a whole week! I’m realizing now, that the situation I’m in with Lim is far better than the rest of my mission has been. One night we got into every house we tried and they all became investigators. We give really amazing short powerful lessons with lots of testimony! I have been dying to have this! Orr would just hog the whole lesson, and Gourdin was very long winded. Lim and I are equal and to the point! SO AWESOME! and the difference with those we teach is completely obvious! LOL!

I had a presidents interview and we talked about how its so funny that Preach my Gospel and the White hand book really do tell you everything to be successful.... its just we don't apply it! Its so funny.

So, our first night out we were running into a lot of Russian Jews. we were walking around in Kew Gardens, when across the street on someone’s roof was....... THREE HUGE RACCOONS! LOL! They were just hanging out like it was their stoop and they was just chilling! LOL. I saw a lady walking by the house and I suddenly blurted out "watch out they will eat you!" as I pointed to the raccoons. She, jumped a foot and a half and coward. I said "I’m sorry, I’m just joking.. LOL", to which she replied in a Russian accent, "they have been there a since late summer, I'm afraid that they will climb in through the windows and hurt the children!"... Then we tried to fearless her... but it didn't work. I couldn't believe the raccoons though! LOL. Wow. Ha ha.

Elder Lim was in Richmond Hill this time last year until February! So he knows all the members, when he walked in the church Saturday night for our Christmas play rehearsal, there was a collective gasp! Ha ha ha! They love him here. I'm so glad that the lord answered my prayer of sending the right missionary. Right now we could not afford a p-dub or a control freak. Right now we need team players. Elder Lim and I are already sinking so well! :) After Richmond Hill, Lim went to Bermuda and after that to Stanton Island. He got his call to Bermuda when he was here in Richmond Hill. he only has 4 transfers left and I am on my 4th. LOL.

We will probably have a baptism with Zorina in two weeks. We also have a lot of potential with all our new investigators as well as with some of the old. Pray that Elder Lim and I can accomplish our goal of 3 baptisms minimum this transfer. (Wait... I’m not supposed to ask anyone to pray for specific causes huh... idk...)

OK... well, I can't think of much more to say.

oh yeah, the weather here is cold now. the temperature isn't really cold at all (Utah standard), but the humidity and especially the wind make it really super cold! The wind just cuts through you. don't worry about sending me things to keep warm though... I have plenty of long johns now. Ha ha. Oh, maybe I could use a black or dark blue water proof hat that looks conservative but not stupid... maybe some where in between a newsies type had and a Fedora, only, waterproof and covers my ears. :) If you can't find anything don't fret. I am doing ok. :)

The church is true. I cannot convince any of you. But I know that if you will read and pray about the book of Mormon (even if you have before), your testimony will grow. Before my mission I had a shaky testimony of Joseph smith, until right before my mission. it got shook in Bushwick, but after that It was solid. It just doesn't make since for him to be anything but a prophet. It really doesn't. If you don't believe that there is one true church, it’s because you are making justifications because you don't have a testimony of the Book of Mormon or Joseph Smith. I ask all of you this week to pray to God our heavenly father in the name of Jesus Christ if Joseph Smith was a true prophet and if the book of Mormon is true; regardless of weather or not you have done it before.

I love you all! Love Elder Morris! bye!

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