Monday, November 22, 2010


It turns out we taught the exact same number of lessons this transfer as last transfer. This surprised me. It surprised me because I didn't feel as successful as I felt last transfer. The only real difference in numbers was the 4 baptisms compared to the 0 this transfer. I know what you have already said to yourself, "but Sam, don't you know that baptisms are not the measure of your success as a missionary?" Yes of course I know that. I'm just pointing out that the effort we put in or the amount of lessons we teach is directly proportional to the amount of baptisms. I think they tried to tell me something like that in the MTC... but anyway. I was surprised, like I said, that Elder Kiser and I ended up with the exact same number of lessons as last transfer. I think the focus of this last transfer was strengthening the recent converts. Finding came next. The funny thing about finding is that (at least in my mission) those that are found aren't really found they are given. We do finding activities all day long and don't find anyone but then we get a media referral or someone approaches us and that person is the one that progresses. So it was this transfer; a lot of work with no new investigators to show for it. That being said, I see a lot of potential for next transfer. Our pool is actually being built up. There is work to be done; now it’s up to me and my new companion to be diligent.

That's right, new companion. It’s hard to think of being in Terryville without elder Kiser... but that’s what is going to be happening starting transfer meeting tomorrow. Thursday night we got a text from the Zone leaders telling us Elder Kiser had an interview with president on Friday. A Friday interview before transfers in this mission means you are becoming a District leader, Zone leader, or training. Well I knew it wasn't DL or ZL, because Kiser has only had one area and is still young in the mission (transfer wise). Well that only left training. I was surprised because I was having the feeling that I would be training this transfer. However I was not asked to be interviewed. Well Friday during the interview, the door opens and president comes out and invites me to come into the room where the interview was happening... I walk in and it is made known to me that "the touch of Morris has been made known again" (or something like that). "Elder Kiser will be serving in the office for the next two transfers". Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Wow, so I’ve had 5 companions now who have served in the office. Well, Kiser left the room and president interviewed me. Not expected by me. He told me that I would be with Elder Moyers (an elder I picked up from the airport when I was an office elder). Elder Moyers has been in the mission for 12 weeks now and for the last 12 weeks he has been serving in the Korean program. Ha-ha. So in a way you could say this is my 3rd Korean companion. Well, he's actually a white kid (I know--disappointing. Ha-ha) but from what I remember when I picked him up, he is really nice, so hopefully we get along well. So there you have it, I am a trainer in a way because I'm training him to be an English elder now. President wants him to be in the English program now because we have one too many English elders and I suppose he wanted to keep the native Koreans in the program because Koreans are a little racist (at least the ones I've met! Ha=ha Jk, but seriously). I don't think Elder Moyers knows yet that I will be his new comp but I know. President told me essentially that he wants me to work hard and have a lot of fun with him and teach a lot of lessons (Moyers hasn't taught a lot on his mission so far). I guess president sees me as a guy who can work hard and have a lot of fun if that is my assignment. So that's a major complement I feel.

So that's the biggest news. Here are some interesting facts though:
I will be in Terryville for 3 transfers now. The only other place I have done that is Richmond Hill. I've never stayed in an area longer than that. Usually I am 2 then leave. I potentially could be here a long time. I would say the absolute longest would be until march and the shortest would be after this next 6 weeks (which would mean I would be in a new area for Christmas... that's no fun cause then you are at a strangers for Christmas. I think I'd rather be here two more transfers then leave).
I've never had a companion longer than 12 weeks.
As of next transfer I will have lived with Elder Ledbetter longer than any Elder. He dies this next transfer. I will really, really miss him. Kiser is lucky he gets to take him to the airport... But on second thought, that would be really hard for me, so I’m glad I’m not doing it. I will miss Ledbetter.

Cool story. We got a bunch of media referrals. We called one up, Cornel-- Long story short, he’s 6'3'' blond haired and blue eyed and looking for truth. He came to church before we even met him and LOVED fast and testimony meeting. He told me he believes in the "Joseph Smith Story"! So I’m way pumped to teach him, he seems way chill! I'll keep ye all posted.

-Elder Samuel Austin Morris

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