Monday, April 19, 2010

The Living Dead

Wow! This week flew by... yet... it was one of the longest weeks of my life. Crazy paradox I know. lol. So, a lot happened this week. Let’s talk about Tuesday first.

Tuesday: Well this was transfer day. So since elder Khan is a district leader we had to attend the transfer meeting. We didn't want to run into traffic so we decided we would leave for Rego Park by 8:00 am. Well, we headed to the car at 8 and as Khang sat down he looked at me and said "I need to change" I thought he had crapped his pants or something. He said "look" and showed me his suit pants had ripped right in half beyond repair! So he changed. Ok, well we should still miss traffic I guess... "BING" the tire pressure gauge went on. So we headed to the gas station to fill it up... by now we were leaving late, so we hit traffic. We were still basically the first companionship there though. So I just figure God saved us from some accident we would have been in if we would have left when we had planned. Transfer meeting was crazy as usual. I said hi to my friends. Then during Khang’s leadership meeting I had to do service. So we picked up all the trash around the church. It was gross. You could have been there all day and the next and there would still have been trash. Well, I picked up some trash and there I saw it, Hair, yup I was done, there was no way I was going to pick up the rest of the trash around that area just to uncover a head; especially with how bad it smelled. BTW Elder Lim got sent to Bushwick to die where I was born! Crazy huh! Ha-ha. Well we went home and when we got there we decided to eat and take our pad time. I opened up the packages I got from Mom and Hilly! I was super excited! When we pulled out the bubble wands we thought they were sex toys (because you warned me mom that you didn't want Khang to think we were bad, so I was expecting something ridiculous and then we saw them! LOL)! Anyway we played with them for a bit and took pictures. Then I decided to eat the Warm Delights Hill sent me. Well I saw her handwritten Instructions and miss read them. She had written Step 3. Microwave for 30 seconds. I read It. microwave 3 min and 30 seconds. Well Elder Khang and I were talking when all of a sudden Plums of toxic smoke filled the room, we couldn't breathe! I opened the microwave and pulled out the lump of carbon that was remaining while Khang opened all the doors and windows. The smoke was so bad we could not breathe in the house. We had to stay out side for almost an hour before it was even bearable to go inside. I felt really stupid and to top it off we both had massive headaches. So... I almost killed us. We bought an air purifier and have been running it ever since, but the microwave still smells bad when we used it... I don't use it though cause I am afraid of it... plus I'm afraid it will put toxins into our food. We have been given advice on what to do about cleaning it, so hopefully it works. Well that was just Tuesday.

So much happened I don't think I can share all of it. But here is good news: We got another media, it seems really promising. We are going to visit it today. Our old media I told you about hasn't been able to make it to church but they love us and what we do and they really want to come to church. Gina even wanted to come to the woman's conference but she got sick. :(

We did service for the same family we did last week on Saturday. It was a great opportunity to show the family that Mormons aren't wackos and that they are helpful and friendly. I loved it! We helped out a lot. I wish we had more service opportunities. Well, what we did was shovel a ton of dirt. Unfortunately the shovels were those midget garden shovels, so I was bent over the whole time. My back hurts now. Its way better today then it was yesterday.

We also did service for Sister JoJo Barone and her sister earlier in the day on Thursday! So we have been moving a lot of boxes and shoveling a lot of dirt.

I've been really tired and we have had a lot of trials this week, especially since none of our investigators made it to church. But I know that it gets harder before the miracle happens. So I know a lot of good is coming our way. I just hope Khang can put up with me until then, ha-ha.

Thank you mom and Hehe and dad and Davy for the awesome packages. I loved the card you sent me Hill its up on my wall! I love it! It’s funny! I gave Khang Half of all the stuff you guys sent me. All of the Warm Delights are still left though! LOL. We are scared of them.

Oh yeah, we have three new missionaries in our district. The zone leader Elder Childs went out and was replaced with Gaspar. Also two new missionaries came to open an area. Doxy and Evens. So district meetings are like real district meetings now. Ha-ha.

I love you all, thank you for your letters, prayer, love, support (spiritually and financially). I really, really appreciate it! :)

Love Elder Morris. The living dead. Ha-ha. Don’t worry Mel I wont die.

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