Monday, November 2, 2009

Smells and Spirits

So wow! Yes, I was humbled this week. Often living felt very surreal. The Lord broke me down to show me the error of my ways. The many errors I didn't realize I even had. It made me feel pretty crappie about how I had been treating friends and family before my mission. I really realize now how selfish I was and have been. I now have new surroundings, new pad mates, new people to teach, new goals, and new emotions... so therefore a new horizon.

Well, it turns out the horrible smell of rotting food and sweaty boys came mostly from one box. Dad is right, and has always been right. The smell of a banana over powers any other smell. The other elders had received a box full of bananas from the food bank we do service at and it has just been sitting there. Elder hatch and Ledbetter finally got rid of it this morning and guess what!? No more disgusting smell. Wow. Hmmm... This morning the same elders vacuumed and reorganized and threw away all the trash! Guess what!? we have room now! its smells better, it feels better. Physical and spiritual are not separate. Mental and emotional and social are not separate; and are apart of physical.... anyway everything is connected. So basically if you have a problem in your life, then don't look at it as a problem, look at it as a symptom of a problem much deeper. I'll let you all take that little jewel I discovered however you would like. :)

My new comp, well, ha-ha, he is different. Isn’t that funny... everyone is different. I often forget that. I also often for get that other people are real, and that the universe doesn't revolve around me. At times in my life I literally thought I was in a "Truman show" type situation. Can you believe that! Anyway, although things are different, it’s not bad. I now have a new opportunity for growth that I never realized I could have. I can now grow in ways I didn't know I could (or think I had to). I am a goldfish in a bigger tank.

Alright! So, I’m in queens now. HOLY CRAP! Its sooooooooooo different; it is way cleaner here. It’s also way more diverse; interesting huh. I already miss a lot of things about Brooklyn though. I almost feel like how I did in Brooklyn right now (that is "this is not my home, I live in alpine". only now its "this is not my home [queens], I belong in Brooklyn"). lol. Funny, huh. The streets are way different. Instead of a street name and then an apartment number (ex. 185 Marcy Ave.) it’s now the closest avenue followed by a dash and the apartment number followed by the street or road you are on (ex. 101-35 111th St). Let me tell you, I miss hearing "the next stop is Koscuscio St". Its just not the same as "the next stop is 104th St." Anyway, I’ve only got 10 min left of my session.

The branch here is awesome! Member work hear will be much easier. I really like the people here. The president is awesome, and his counselors. One of the guys here looks like and sounds and acts kinda like Erik’s dad. lol. it really surprises me how many people know where Alpine UT. is out here! lol

Last night at our dinner appointment with the branch president and his family we found our that Sister Erazo (president’s wife) went on a mission to Sacramento (or San Bernadino... can't remember). And guess what the best part is!? Elder Gourdin’s grandparents were the mission presidents of that mission while she was there!!!! so she went and pulled out a picture of her self in the 80's all sister missionary like, with Gourdin’s grandparents on either side! lol! Ha-ha-ha. Crazy huh! The world is so small. I love it.

Well, you will be pleased to hear I am being creative with my cooking. I am gonna make moms chillie this week... but I’m gonna try adding carrots and potatoes (since we have a lot of them). OK I g2g

I love you all!
Bye! Sam

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