Monday, October 19, 2009

And the rockers read.... Rolling Stone?‏

Oct 18th, 2009

Ok, here I am pday of week 6. Did I mention I may very well transfer? Well, it may happen. I have very mixed feelings on the subject... I have become quite the P-dub however so a new area and companion would probably whip me into shape.... however, THIS AREA IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE. I knew it before... but now I really know it! For some reason yesterday, all of a sudden, the whole branch loved me. Everyone was like "Elder Morris [this]" and "Elder Morris [that]". The members actually all came to the aid of our investigators and fellow-shipped them. Wow, they actually trust us missionaries finally, and now they are getting excited! Also President Roque found out that there is a multitude of single adults attending the Manhattan singles ward who are actually in our boundaries and should be attending our branch! So he cracked the whip and pulled some strings and wrote an email, and as a result, our branch is growing! Wow. It literally is at the tender point and it just needs to be pushed. I really feel like I could make a big difference here. I really feel determined and motivated now. On top of that I am sick of not having the kind of success that I know this area could have. I'm sick of my "greenie" ways being rejected. I have news for you world, the MTC is a place where God inspires teachers and missionaries and teaches them the ways that move the work of God in any location on earth! I am sick of hearing the phrase "well that doesn't work here in Bushwick" or "Well they don't know Bushwick" or "Well the MTC does teach you good things... but they don't teach you how to be a missionary in New York". This mission is not exempt from what works everywhere else. I don't want my Ideas to be shot down. I want to help and serve the people I have come to love. I just figured out this branch! They just figured out that I'm serious and not weird! If I could stay here, I would work so hard to get things to work out. I will be fearless; but alas, the Lord knows best about what should happen with me... It may be I already got my chance and I failed. I know that I am in the right place, and I know where ever the Lord puts me next is the right place. I just need to align my will with his.

OK Sorry for the venting session. I hope I didn't waste anyone’s time.

So. I have written a bunch of you (McLean and Nate and others) and sent you pictures and things.... but it’s been quite a while and I have not received any word. Did you get my letters? Or did the USPS eat another irreplaceable and innocent letter? You had best notify me at once if you have not received any mail from me. I will shout and pound my fists and then write you a new letter. OK?

Guess what? I just got a haircut for only $5! The lady was Spanish and we talked to each other in Spanglish. She even pulled out the razor to clean me up! It rocked and she cut it just how I wanted it! Woot! I was scared at first, but it just goes to show, sometimes you need to trust others, even when it’s hard to understand them.

We cleaned up our branch list a lot this week. Its amazing how there are lists of like 500-600 people who are members and you only get 50 on a good day at church; but like I said, this branch is gonna explode!

I've been pretty bad this week with my journal writing. I have gone through a lot of highs and lows with my mood, drive, and love of my comp. Its really funny how quick things can change, sadly every time I went to write I was either so sleepy I couldn't keep my head up, or I wasn't in the mood. Actually, I fell asleep on my journal and left a big drool mark! lol. Sad day, we had more drama with Brittany this week. You don't need to know it all, but I will tell you she makes promises that she doesn't keep. :( We will be moving her to the back burner. Sadly Shakora too.

WE had a lot of amazing meetings this week that got me excited and a little more confident with my street contacting and my relationships with my comps and my study habits. I’d like to study as well as I did in the MTC.

We have started teaching a lady named Dawn. Her husband died this week. The cause of death is unknown, so she has no closure and is having a really hard time. She has 3 kids all with varying degrees of "a.d.d." Wow. She came to church though! And to my surprise the relief society relieved her! Her kids were taken care of and she was succored! A member offered her a meal Sunday night! And the president’s wife drove her home! Her kids didn't want to leave church! They were given a Family Proclamation! They got treats and candies! I beat up the 7 year old! It felt so good! It was a fiasco at first but I felt soooo good afterward! Kelvin’s confirmation was Sunday too! It made things even better! Gererado a member of the Spanish branch (who is my very favorite member) is going to come over to our branch as 2nd councilor and help strengthen the branch! Its gonna rock.

My mind is all over the place and I am having a hard time writing right now sorry. I don't think I am conveying everything how I am meaning too. There are a lot of details left out I’m sure, sorry.

So... something funny happened, a lady drove by us on her bike while we were waiting fro Kelvin to buzz us into his apartment, and this is what she said, "OH LORD! Its the white man and his evil God!" Can you believe it! lol. Wow. Elder Orr responded, "Wow, that was a new one! Good job." After she left I thought, "What we should have said was “He's your God too'" lol.

That’s about it I guess.
Peace out!
-Elder Morris

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